Rallies to Stop River Grabbing and Protect Fisher-Folk’s Livelihoods

Rallies and assemblies were organized at the belt of the Bay of Bengal with the demand- `Stop River grabbing, protect our livelihoods’. To observe the World River Day 2021, women groups, women federation, and women fisher-folk association were joined on 26 Sept 2021. Local journalists, human rights activists and women leaders expressed their concern about the ongoing investment at the bank of rivers.

They are concerned the traditional fisher-folk’s communities are becoming vulnerable with such investment because fishing points are reducing. As well as their homestead at the bank of rivers are threaten to evict by those investments. Amid covid, fishing demand has been reduced and fisher-folks are losing their profession. They asked public authorities to stop such kind of land investment by corporate at the bank of rivers. Rallies were added to protect rivers within the Sundarban mangrove forest as well.

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Badabon Sangho

Badadon Sangho is a women’s rights and women-led group, working for lower-caste, Dalit, single mothers, separated, widows, divorcees, religious minorities, and girls. It is (a non-profit and non-political organisation) governed by group members and federation.

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