Land Literacy training, organized by Badabon Sangho was held on January 1, 2024, at the Upazila Auditorium in Rampal with an aim to empower 25 women landowners, on land-related documentation and government services. The programme covered topics such as Muslim and Hindu inheritance laws, women’s property rights, and services provided by union and other land offices, outlining the significance including land records, mutations, understanding legal documents, online verification processes, legal suits etc. Expected outcomes include a substantial increase in participants’ understanding of landownership documentation, land administration and management, inheritance laws, and conflict resolution process. Please note that this is one of the key programme that Badabon Sangho has facilitate to ensure women’s rights to land and water-bodies. Facilitated by key speakers including A. K. M. Shahidul Islam (Land Assistant Officer), Laila Khatoon (Programme Manager of Badabon Sangho) and others.
Just transition programme inception meeting: Agricultural Initiatives
On July 16, 2024, Badabon Sangho organized an