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Rampal, Bagerhat

Annual General Meeting (AGM) was Organised

Badabon Sangho’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was conducted on 26 Feb, Sunday at Khulna. Total 17 members out of 21 attended the meeting. The daylong meeting discussed the budget, policies (revised human resources policy and financial management policy), extension of safeguarding policy, training centre and women farmers association’s agriculture programme. Field level experiences and evidence particularly women’s land rights and women’s fisherfolk rights were discussed by board members. At the end of the meeting, members took team photos and signed the meeting’s decisions.

Badabon Sangho

Badabon Sangho

Badadon Sangho is a women’s rights and women-led group, working for lower-caste, Dalit, single mothers, separated, widows, divorcees, religious minorities, and girls. It is (a non-profit and non-political organisation) governed by group members and federation.

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