Consultation Meetings with Women, Men Fisher-Folk Communities and Govt Official Were Organised Separately, 8 and 9 May 2023

Group members organized a series of consultation meetings with women and men fisher-folk separately on 8 and 9 May 2023 at Mongla. Purpose of both consultations were to identify policy agendas that are linking women’s health within the climate change national adaptation plan. It was an excellent dialogue of women and men fisher-folk and pointed out many issues that were not discussed before. In light of those points, a consultation was organised with govt officials who are responsible for fisher-folk safety net schemes. Govt. officials validated a number of points that came up from men and women fisherfolk consultations. Group will conduct such consultations in two other coastal areas and finally come up with final advocacy agendas. In the meeting fisher-folk discussed various issues like; a) fisher-folk card; b) forest pass; c) wage discrimination; d) women safety-security; e) women physical and mental health; f) women economic training; etc. They discussed the health issues that are because of climate change induced saline water.

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Badabon Sangho

Badadon Sangho is a women’s rights and women-led group, working for lower-caste, Dalit, single mothers, separated, widows, divorcees, religious minorities, and girls. It is (a non-profit and non-political organisation) governed by group members and federation.

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