Women migrant forum has conducted research `Post-COVID Challenges for Migrant Women’ in Keranigonj and organized a workshop with Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training (BMET) on 30 Oct 2024. The perpose of the workshop was to share the research finding with govt officials and influence them to revise returnees’ entitlements and practices. Total 33 participants, including BMET’s Director General, Deputy Director General, and other officials, were participated in the workshop. The program began with introductions, followed by a presentation of Badabon Sangho’s initiatives for migrant women. Fariha Jesmin discussed the challenges that migrant women have faced since spread of the pandemic. The Director General and other BMET officials acknowledged that migrant women workers are significant contributors to the national economy, with around 2 millions women migrating for work annually. Government training programs for migrant women, which promotes their financial independence and empowerment , and give access to loans from Probashi Kollan Bank- were discussed. Most importantly women retunrnees were entitled for services, which were not in practics. During the discussion, BMET officials spoke about the limited data and inforamtion at the local level for supporting returning women. Recommendations from the research were accepted for consideration, which is regarded a step ahead toward improved post-migration supports for women.

World OBR Day (One Billion Rising) Launching and Celebration on 2025
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