A training on organic farming and environment protection was organised at Rampal in Bagerhat,22 Feb 2023. Women federation members, and team members participated in the training. The main purpose of the training was to make women farmers economically transition by training them in organic vegetable cultivation.
Organic fertilizer made by rotting cow dung, straw, vegetable peels, garbage etc. At least one month of garbage, cow dung and straw rotting in pits is required to prepare organic fertilizer. Then it can be used on land as organic fertilizer. Women farmers have learned how organic fertilizers give more yield and production costs are less, how this cropping ensures social ecology.
According to the evaluation sheets, 18 out of 22 women farmers learned about the health risks of chemical fertilizers and decided to grow vegetables organically. All of the 22 participants learned about the method of making organic fertilizers and have decided to grow gourd, cucumber and bitter gourd in the organic method. 4 out of total 22 women will explain to their husband about the organic farming method and decide to farm in this method. 5 out of total 22 women farmers decided to grow vegetables organically in their backyard.