With assistance of UN Women, Badabon Sangho is supporting women returnee migrants from COVID-19 risks and challenges in 10 districts across the country. Aiming to protect returnee women migrant workers from COVID-19 risks and challenges, the project will provide emergency food, personal health and hygiene products and skill development opportunity.
The project was launched in collaboration with Unilever Bangladesh and Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment (MoEW&OE) supported by UN Women, Government of Japan and Unilever Bangladesh. A total of 10,000 women returnee migrant workers have been receiving the dignity package in the months of Setp to November 2020. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, women migrant workers are facing challenges as they have lost their jobs in Country of Destination (CoDs). This has put this group of women into greater risks such as lack of food and nutrition, health risks, exposed them to gender-based violence at home and in public as well as social stigma. This project will support these women through providing create livelihood options, engage in community work for disseminating awareness information on COVID-19 prevention. Dr Ahmed Munirus Saleheen, Secretary Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment said, “We encourage safe, orderly, regular and responsible migration and we expect civil society, NGOs to help us ensuring that. We see a more effective and tangible role of civil society in mainstreaming migration.”