To strengthen the organisation’s M&E framework, and reporting system, three days long training session was organised on 13-15th December at Disa Training Center in Dhaka. A total of ten (10) team members were participated in the training who are particularly responsible for field monitoring and reporting.
The objectives of this training session were to have a better understanding of result-based management, result chain, logframe, reporting, case stories preparation and learning documentation. The training sessions were essential for in-depth discussion on monitoring and evaluation, interpreting SMART indicators, data collection methods, and their advantages and limitations.

The training financed by the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP), Nuffic and implemented by Market Development Forum (MDF). This is one-year capacity development programme for Badabon Sangho. They have a better understanding of the programme and can ensure the outcome, outputs, impacts, and change the strategies if the expected results are not achieved. Thus developing the organization’s M&E structure.