Organized Inter-Group Dialogue of Gender-Based Violence, 27 June and 27 July 2022

Children, adolescence and youths are the most vulnerable group in terms of forced/early girl marriage. By utilizing the social media tools, youths are more engaged in communication, which has advantages and disadvantages as well. Group decided to organise dialogue with the school students along with teachers, parents and school managing committee members. In last three months, two (2) inter-group dialogues have been organized, in Rajapur High School, Bagerhat.    

Though the first dialogue was limited within introduction, lifeline sharing and dreaming. Parents’ understanding regarding the purpose of the dialogue was key immediate result, within short time. All of the groups including parents, teachers and selected students were openly discussed about the negative consequences of the early marriage. Parents especially mothers were shared their frustration, lost their childhood, education and bright carrier also. Though union council Chairman was opened up the dialogue, but not continued for entire progoramme, allowed students to share their comments.

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Badabon Sangho

Badadon Sangho is a women’s rights and women-led group, working for lower-caste, Dalit, single mothers, separated, widows, divorcees, religious minorities, and girls. It is (a non-profit and non-political organisation) governed by group members and federation.

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