Badabon Sangho, has organized a Multi-stakeholders dialogue at Bagerhat press club on 26 Nov 2022 to find out strengths, opportunities, weakness and risks regarding girls’ early marriage. The programme was supported by CARE, VSO-International and UNFPA. In the dialogue CSOs, CBOs, youth-les NGOs, women’s rights organisations (WROs), journalists, teachers, businessmen and religious leaders were participated and discussed about the causes of early marriages. Key recommendations are as follows; a) formation and functional teachers, students and guardian committee for each of the schools; b) class sessions on negative consequences of early marriage for students; c) formation and functional adolescent clubs; d) prepare video clips and communication materials on early marriage. Finally it was decided that Badabon Sangho will continue such kind of dialogue with stakeholders in future also.

World OBR Day (One Billion Rising) Launching and Celebration on 2025
World OBR Day (One Billion Rising) celebrated on