Badabon Sangho has organized a dialogue on “Capacity building of youth on gender transformative and sexual harassment-free guidlines’ at the district level” at Dhanshiri Hotel in Bagerhat on 10 Dec 2022. The programme was supported by CARE, VSO-International and UNFPA. In the dialogue 4 teachers and 20 students were participated and discussed about sexual harassments. They openly discussed experiences and how they were stigmatized. Key recommendations are as follows; a) formation and functional teachers, students and guardian committee for each of the schools; b) deliver class sessions on negative consequences of sexual harassments in schools. Types and nature of sexual harrasment and how to report and prevent it- were key discussion of the dialogue. As a result, they have been aware of sexual harassment and its precaution and prevention.
Advocacy workshop with Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training and share research findings, 31 Oct 2024
Women migrant forum has conducted research `Post-COVID Challenges